Sex in marriage is the pinnacle of the mutual attraction of spouses, when not only bodies, but also desires and thoughts merge into one whole. And sex in marriage has an important component - sexual culture, sexual literacy of the spouses, emotional, spiritual and physical.
Most people do not know the alphabet of physical love, do not possess sexual literacy. And without this, the intensity of sexual desire will weaken and sex in marriage will cease to bring joy. And the paradox is that even the past sexual revolution did not bring an increase in the level of sexual literacy.
In our time, the lack of sexual literacy is among the most acute problems of society. According to many sociologists and doctors, sexologists, the health of people, their family happiness, and the birth rate, depend more and more on sex in marriage, or rather on sexual problems. These indicators effect on mood and the life of a society.
A few years ago, scientists questioned a thousand divorced people about the state of sex in their marriage. And it turned out that 31% of them experienced dissatisfaction, indifference, or even disgust from sex in marriage. It can be concluded that they also had problems with sex in marriage. And if so, then half of the people were deprived of the joys that the physical side of love brings. This statistic confirms that not possessing sexual literacy, it is much more difficult to find marital happiness.
It is possible that the numbers in surveys and studies are exaggerated, but in family relationships spiritual ties are very closely intertwined with physical ones. That is why many sexologists are convinced that improving sexual literacy among people will reduce the causes of many family conflicts and help many people to find family happiness and create happy families.
Human sexual appetence is not just a physiological feeling, which animals have, but a biopsychic, i.e. a kind of fusion of psychological and physical sensations in each of its cells. The indissoluble union of physiology and psychology is the reason, and the essence of the whole diversity of human sexuality.
The quality of sex in marriage depends from the sexual literacy. There are three groups of women.
Sexual relations are important for modern people, and spiritual relations are doubly important, as they are the most reliable basis for conjugal joys, both psychological and physical. Physical love not only obeys spiritual love, but also commands it. It can both strengthen it and prolong its existence. However, these are not different types of love, but different descendants of it.
Many of us, for sure, understand that love culture is two-faced. It is a spiritual and physical culture and the infringement of one of its sides harms the other side. Just as a spiritual lack of culture harms physical joys, so physical lack of culture destroys spiritual attraction. Only spiritually developed and sexually literate people who can get full pleasure from physical love, can create a happy family and gain family happiness from sex in marriage.